Seniors' Week 2024
June 3 – 9, 2024
Why a Seniors’ Week?
Seniors’ Week was inspired by the vision of the late Alice Modin. “More than 30 years ago, Modin began a campaign to start a seniors’ day in Strathcona County that helped pave the way for Seniors’ Week”. –
Recognized annually across Alberta since the time of its inception in 1986, Seniors’ Week is an opportunity to show appreciation for seniors and the many contributions they make to enhance the quality of life in Alberta.
In Calgary, Age Friendly Calgary has adopted the theme in 2023 that “Aging is More.” The theme will remain the same in 2024 and we will continue to discuss how “Aging is more”, but we want to focus on saying that “Aging is more… so let’s enjoy the journey” and how we can spark interest in Calgarians about aging in this wonderful city.
Learn more about how you can show your support for Calgary Seniors.
1. Blue Ribbon Campaign
This campaign is intended to help elevate the needs of our seniors – now and in the future.
We invite you to wear a blue and white ribbon as a way to show your support and celebrate Alberta’s seniors. Please join us by wearing a ribbon.
Become a Friend of Silvera to receive your ribbon today!

2. Join us at our Smile Parade

Bring your bikes and join us on June 5, 2024, for our Smile Parade. We take our trishaw bikes, adult trikes, and tandem bicycles out onto the paths of Bridgeland to spread some joy with our residents in tow and encourage more active aging in our supportive living communities.
At 10 am we will meet outside of our Aspen Commons building and gather round before we roll out. If you would like to tag along anyone is welcome to come along for some fun during our seniors’ week smile parade event.

Trinity Place Foundation of Alberta